Sunday, June 15, 2008

can you get me off your mind

i hate people who complain about everything.
i hate people who actually care about what other people think about them.
i hate people who make their lives seem more dramatic than it is, who secretly love drama.
i hate people who do things just for attention, unless you're madonna, it's not okay.
i hate people who don't even have the balls to say anything to you when they're upset with you.

enough almost-3-in-the-morning-ranting.
i'm enjoying my summer, minus the poison ivy. i suppose it's better than sun poisoning.

last night i had a small shindig at my house. luis, eric, irby, jorge, mary, my brother, and these two other people were there. it was fun, i love those people. then my parents came home and i think they were mad because i invited people over while they were out. oops. muahaha.

anyhow, the new song by the grates is cool. i'd think of a more descriptive word but its late and i crave nicotine. go listen to it.

à tout à l'heure.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

good morning starshine

bonjour. i haven't written in a while because i've been so busy (sike). it's summer so i have nothing better to do.schools out. i'm not failing math for the year because my teacher is the coolest person in the world.
let's see, what have i been doing? well, i've been going to shows. i saw the cure, which is by far the greatest concert i've ever been to. over 3 hours of songs. my favorite band since 7th grade, what could be better? i saw be your own PET again at the TLA, it was so fucking fun. really. they always play short sets, but it's always intense. never have i done so much physical activity during a show. i was sore for like two days. i saw rilo kiley again too, the other day. it was really good. really fun, even if you don't like the new album, the songs are great live. some nice girls let me get into the front so i could see. i love meeting nice people at shows. oh and they played a better son/daughter, which basically made my night. we stayed after to meet the band too. we didn't meet jenny, obviously, i wasn't expecting it anyway. blake and jason came out. they're nice.
what else have i been doing? enjoying summer. partying with friends, meeting new people, having a lot of fun. i went to the beach the other day with some cool people. i've been chilling in the woods and stuff. now i have poison ivy on my hand haha, it's crazy looking, i wear a glove so no one can see.
i'm reading running with scissors currently. i know everyones read it already, i'm late on that shit. but it's really good. at this very moment i'm listening to this american life and thinking about all the joys tomorrow will bring (hahaha).
oh and murder mystery by the velvet underground is the GREATEST SONG ever made, probably. ohhh man.


Sunday, April 27, 2008


i might just delete this.

Monday, March 10, 2008

dear kitty,

i wish someone would make up my mind for me about so many things.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

do you dream at all?

i got a hair cut for the first time in just about a year. i got my class ring. i'm still not speaking to my father. i'm going to the true colours tour on june 7 (tegan and sara!). i drove around all night with thomas and ms hayden. we were trying to go to see a play, but we couldn't find the place. we ended up going to charcoal pit. we had nice conversations about radio programs, books, music, etc. ms hayden is my favorite, i'm sad she's not my teacher this year. she will be next year, though! for drama!
anyhow, i've been having such weird dreams lately! weirdweirdweird.
i shan't tell you about them. can't have this getting all over the interweb.
this post sucked.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

zombie graveyard party.

i just woke up for a nap and i had to write this down before i forget.
i had a fucking weird dream where my father and i were going to a zombie orphanage detention center type place. it was fucking WEIRD. there were zombie orphans!
then i looked up some symbols:
To dream that you are a zombie, denotes that you are physically and/or emotionally detached from people and situations that are currently surrounding you. You are out of touch. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling dead inside and are simply going through the motions of daily living.

To see an orphan in your dream, signifies fears of abandonment and feelings of loneliness and rejection.

they're both incredibly true, given my current situation with my father.
we're not speaking.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

okay so yeah it's cool, cause we're like...adventurers

a good weekend. it started with a snow day on friday. i was able to catch up on some sleep, which is a major deal. sam picked me up and we went to thomas' to watch degrassi. good times. the night followed with a game consisting of two cars speeding through the neighborhood trying to cut one another off and hiding behind parked cars and pulling out in front of the other. after that we decided to go to newark and have a scavenger hunt, because that's what cool kids do. we had to get pictures with strangers, police cars, ham, statues, etc. then we went to some party on skid row for a while and decided it smelled really bad. so we went to francis' house. blah blah.
last night thomas, sam, megan, and i ventured to a house called disgraceland in philadelphia to see be your own PET. it was insane. the room was incredibly small and it was completely filled. the majority of the people there were drunk, considering there was a bar in the back room. when the first band was starting, jemina pearl was standing next to us, it was cool. apparently she fell in the pit. it was a fun show, but the majority of the set was new songs. only about three or four songs weren't new material. after their set was done we started talking to jemina about many things. dropping out of high school, christian parents, prom, touring, etc. it was a nice conversation and jemina is now our best friend. thomas asked her to prom.
the rest of the night we drank and played the car game again and then drove around the slums of wilmington for a long while. i got home very early in the morning. my parents weren't too happy about that.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


a more organized way to blog about my life.
- it's snowing, yay! well not hardcore snowing, but it's still snowing and i love it. the lack of snow this winter annoys me. i blame president bush, it's obviously his fault. not (i said that for a reason).
- i really hate how people blame bush for everything, it makes no sense. the majority of the people blaming him are uneducated when it comes to politics. no, i don't like bush much. no, i'm not an idiot who's going to blame him for everything because i don't really know why things are happening in the country/world. he's not as evil as people make him out to be and he's not that horrible of a president. come on kids, educate yourself.
- obama ftw.
- lately i've been staying up until 1AM reading. it kind of fucks my school day up but i like to read when everyone's asleep, it's quieter.
- i saw the hannah montana movie this weekend and i loved it. 3D is where it's at! i feel like a major dork for loving hannah montana as much as i do. i'm just an 8 year old at heart. i'm short enough to pull that off, too.
- i'd like to go to an art school after high school, and i told my guidance counselor that. i also told her that i don't want to take a math next year, at all. drama, yearbook/journalism, and art next year is what i wanted. it would count as three art credits. the guidance counselor decides that i should take analysis instead of art, because that makes SO much sense, right? that needs to be changed. i'm counting on it, but not mathematically.
- be your own pet is playing in philly on saturday, i'm way excited.
- tegan and sara are never playing in philly, or anywhere close to me on the east coast, ever again. or at least that's what it feels like. i don't like it.
- french class makes me want to kill myself lately. honestly.
- my cat, twiggy, is adorable. she's sleeping on my bed right now.

it's still snowing, the grass is becoming white.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

it's not fun, don't do it.

as much as i love the winter and the rain, i can't wait for it to be over. i like taking walks in the rain, it's thrilling in a way, kind of. during school it's another story. spending time to straighten my hair and have all that time wasted because of the rain isn't really fun. walking back and forth across the street to get to classes in the rain isn't fun either, especially when you have a cute hoodie that doesn't fit over your abnormally large school sweater. it's not fun, don't do it. two hour delays because of a wintery mix of ice and rain is, however, very fun. god i love being able to sleep two extra hours, you have no idea.
yesterday was free pancake day at ihop. needless to say i got me some free pancakes and enjoyed every bite of 'em. it took a good hour or so to get home from liz's house though. lotta traffic, lotta accidents. but it's always a fun time when listening to paramore in the car.
it's the part of the school year where you choose your classes for next year. it's actually pretty frightening because i'm almost a senior and choosing classes is a big deal these days, or so they tell me. i can't decide whether or not i want to take drama. i think it would be a cool class to take. i just don't like the whole idea of entering speaking and acting contests. i was a narrator in a play about mathematics in 4th grade, and i played the xylophone in the winter concert a few times, so i guess crowds aren't really a factor in my decision. i do like the idea of writing a twelve page play, though. i don't want to take a math class next year, but it might be inevitable, sr marie seems like a pusher. french 4 is NOT an option, at all. i regret taking french 3.

now here's the fun part of the blog!
i recently subscribed to the weekly podcast of "this american life" from the chicago public radio. i listened to it today and i loveloveloved it. it was so unique, and the story that was read in the middle was fantastic. i've only heard it once and i'm already excited to hear it next week. it makes me wonder why philadelphia doesn't have a cool radio broadcast like that. probably because philadelphia is too busy glamorizing statues of rocky to consider such a thing. anyhow, i'd love for you to subscribe to the podcast so we can discuss it further, but i doubt that will happen. i still have hope though. just a little. yes?
in other news, feist is playing in philadelphia on april 27. tickets are whoa expensive ($40...whoa). i absolutely don't like the fact that it's a "sit-down show", though. i'm short, i should like sit-down shows, but they make me feel awkward. i'd still like to go.
also (i promise i'll be done after this), amy winehouse should have won album of the year at the grammy's. c'mon, herbie handcock or whoever? really? lame stuff, man.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

my british tour diary

yes. 102.1 fever right now.
i don't think attending school tomorrow is an option.
i think i may have some sort of disease that cannot be covered by an eyepatch.

sad, sick people like me?

i feel like every time i blog i let off an incredibly depressing vibe. it's not intentional, it's just the way the cookie crumbles.
i've recently discovered that i may have one of the weakest immune systems in the world. well, not really, but it's pretty damn weak. with that being said, i've got a cold.
i'll fill you in on my sickness history. i get colds frequently and they're horrible, lasting forever and a week. it used to confuse me but i guess it might possibly be because i've been a vegetarian for four years and i don't really have the healthiest of diets. once in a while i'll go on an apple eating binge, but whatev.
i was sick last month for about two and a half weeks, maybe more. oi vey.
i'm a nasty sight right now. watery eyes, frequent sneezing. oh man, and my eyes hurt. not the kind of somewhat hurt you feel after you've been reading for hours, it's more painful. maybe i'm going blind. i can only hope, because i hate seeing myself sick like this. harsh.

today in gym class someone kicked a ball and it beamed me right in the face. it didn't feel good, let me just tell you. i made a big scene which incorporated foul language and me walking out of my gym class.
i came back 5 minutes later though, but i was certainly considering NOT going back.
oh well i told my asshole gym teacher i wasn't playing because i felt sick, not that i was would have participated anyway.

on another note, i've been patiently waiting for the tegan and sara tour dates that were promised to me. it's been months. it doesn't make me happy.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008


i love it.

i.r. baboon

i woke up at 9 this morning hoping i could go to the obama rally in wilmington. i didn't, but it's all good. but i'm glad i woke up early because i had time to read in the peace and quiet. then that one movie "little black book" came on. brittney murphey is the creepiest actress i've ever seen, i love it.
i enjoyed my weekend. on friday i hung out with my ethnic friends, and yesterday i went to mariah's birthday party. very fun party. i liked the bands that played (tv dinner!). twas a fun night. there was something really awkward about someone who was there though, this one girl. we won't get into that because that's a long story, i'll save it for the next time it rains. (not really, this isn't perez hilton)
in other news, i'm listening to chris walla's album and i like it a lot. despite the lame pitchfork review, it's enjoyable.
apparently the superbowl is on tonight, not that i care whatsoever. i love me some tom petty though.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

oy with the poodles already!

you know, i had a very enjoyable weekend up until sunday. sunday wasn't good at all. i don't think it's necessary for me to tell you what happened, all you need to know is it sucked. monday wasn't bad though, really. it was actually alright. WELL, today was. yes, that's right. i'm going to complain now. there's something about today that just makes me mad. not the events that happened, but the actual day. i hate tuesdays with a passion first of all. i've been really annoyed all day, i've flipped out on a few people unintentionally. and with that being said, the day just got soooo much better (sarcasm). it's not that big of a deal to get detention, i've had a few this year. i received a detention for leaving during the "senior bell" after gym, even though it was an honest mistake i still received a detention. (note: this teacher is the only teacher that has ever given me a detention, four this year to be exact) i talked to my gym teacher and he basically expressed how much he doesn't care. i talked to the dean of students about it and the only way i can "get out of it" is to talk to the gym teacher, which i did.
basically what i'm telling you is my life is so inconsistently good and bad that it just makes me want to sleep for hours and hours.
enough complaining.
hopefully tomorrow will be better.
i really want to get chris walla's album, which came out today. i think it's going to be a good one. :D


Friday, January 25, 2008

good evening.

another blog. cool. i've gone through so many blogs it's not even funny. i end up deleting them after a while because no one reads them. actually i have no way of knowing whether or not people read them. i'm going to try not to delete this one. i've always liked the word "blog". anyhow...

today was uneventful. i felt disgustingly ill as soon as i woke up and all day during school. needless to say i came home and took a 5 hour nap. i had a weird dream which i'm not going to explain. following that i watched degrassi and now i'm listening to metric. i'll probably go have a cigarette right after i post this and then read a book i bought yesterday (until i find you by john irving, just in case you were wondering). an exciting friday night, eh?

cancerously yours.