Tuesday, January 29, 2008

oy with the poodles already!

you know, i had a very enjoyable weekend up until sunday. sunday wasn't good at all. i don't think it's necessary for me to tell you what happened, all you need to know is it sucked. monday wasn't bad though, really. it was actually alright. WELL, today was. yes, that's right. i'm going to complain now. there's something about today that just makes me mad. not the events that happened, but the actual day. i hate tuesdays with a passion first of all. i've been really annoyed all day, i've flipped out on a few people unintentionally. and with that being said, the day just got soooo much better (sarcasm). it's not that big of a deal to get detention, i've had a few this year. i received a detention for leaving during the "senior bell" after gym, even though it was an honest mistake i still received a detention. (note: this teacher is the only teacher that has ever given me a detention, four this year to be exact) i talked to my gym teacher and he basically expressed how much he doesn't care. i talked to the dean of students about it and the only way i can "get out of it" is to talk to the gym teacher, which i did.
basically what i'm telling you is my life is so inconsistently good and bad that it just makes me want to sleep for hours and hours.
enough complaining.
hopefully tomorrow will be better.
i really want to get chris walla's album, which came out today. i think it's going to be a good one. :D



Joe said...

haha sleep=solutions. my sunday was better than yours, i guess.

Joe said...

and wow, fuck the system, right?