Sunday, February 24, 2008

okay so yeah it's cool, cause we're like...adventurers

a good weekend. it started with a snow day on friday. i was able to catch up on some sleep, which is a major deal. sam picked me up and we went to thomas' to watch degrassi. good times. the night followed with a game consisting of two cars speeding through the neighborhood trying to cut one another off and hiding behind parked cars and pulling out in front of the other. after that we decided to go to newark and have a scavenger hunt, because that's what cool kids do. we had to get pictures with strangers, police cars, ham, statues, etc. then we went to some party on skid row for a while and decided it smelled really bad. so we went to francis' house. blah blah.
last night thomas, sam, megan, and i ventured to a house called disgraceland in philadelphia to see be your own PET. it was insane. the room was incredibly small and it was completely filled. the majority of the people there were drunk, considering there was a bar in the back room. when the first band was starting, jemina pearl was standing next to us, it was cool. apparently she fell in the pit. it was a fun show, but the majority of the set was new songs. only about three or four songs weren't new material. after their set was done we started talking to jemina about many things. dropping out of high school, christian parents, prom, touring, etc. it was a nice conversation and jemina is now our best friend. thomas asked her to prom.
the rest of the night we drank and played the car game again and then drove around the slums of wilmington for a long while. i got home very early in the morning. my parents weren't too happy about that.

1 comment:

Joe said...

haha sounds like a fucking awesome and distinctly delaware weekend... like hiding behind cars and whatever "skid row" is. all i know is that eric writes bulletins about it. and yes, harsh, but sh. keep in mind i am a really immature person.